• Monitoring the enforcement of timber tracking rules – a tool to determine the evolution of modus operandi and the risk factors related to illegal logging

The scope is to increase the institutional capacity to prevent and combat illegal timber harvesting and related trade by developing a tool to monitor and evaluate the level of law enforcement on wood tracking rules, focused on timber’s first placing on the market (N.B. we therefore propose the first dedicated instrument that is technically grounded, on using statistical estimations of the realities detected in the field).


  1. Appropriate Due Diligence Systems implementation established by operators;
  2. An appropriate review of the control plans and procedures, using a risk-based approach (i.e. prioritizing controls based on unbiased and transparent criteria) WETHER WE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE OWN MONITORING OF THE DDS SYSTEM BY THE OPERATORS OR WE DISCUSS THE AUDITS/CONTROLS PERFORMED BY THE VERIFICATION/CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS.

Along with the proposals for improving forestry policies, the reports also contain practical recommendations for strengthening the implementation/verification of DDS for operators.

rapoarte wwf