Updates regarding the modus operandi and risk factors determination
Monitoring the enforcement of timber tracking rules – a tool to determine the evolution of modus operandi and the risk factors related to illegal logging.
Monitoring the enforcement of timber tracking rules – a tool to determine the evolution of modus operandi and the risk factors related to illegal logging.
ANUNT CONSULTARE PUBLICA Stimati factori interesati, WWF Romania desfasoara o evaluare interna asupra riscurilor privind recoltarea ilegala a lemnului din Romania, precum si identificarea masurilor de diminuare a acestora. Evaluarea riscurilor va tine cont de dinamica cadrului legislativ si de realitatile din sectorul forestier din ultimii ani. Rezultatele procesului vor veni in sprijinul operatorilor si…
At the end of last month, when the new version of the www.lemncontrolat.ro platform was launched, the news related to the site and its functionality appeard on the prestigious magazine National Geographic Romania. Read the entire material and find out more about forest certification and our efforts to reduce illegal logging here.
Following the evaluation of the effectiveness and functioning of the EUTR during its first two years of application, the European Commission has submitted to public consultation – during Ian-Apr 2018, the possibility of amending the scope of the EUTR. According to the public consultation strategy, it focused on the main question “Should the current EUTR…